RESP – River Eden Development Project

RESP has received funding from the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund, managed by NatureScot for a development project to investigate ways of improving the biodiversity on the River Eden catchment.

Currently both the River Eden and Motray Water are classified as poors or moderates by SEPA. We are committed to changing this.

Our plan is to gather evidence for the best ways to improve the health of our river and make it more resilient to climate change. Our surveys will identify:

  • the current state of the river habitat and how it could be improved.
  • where invasive plant species are and how best to deal with them.

The survey work will help to decide which projects will have the most impact and we will then seek further funding to carry them out. This could be a source-to-sea strategy to control INNS, planting trees for shade to keep water cooler or helping to stabilise banks and prevent erosion.

We will work in partnership with landowners and land managers as well as residents, local businesses, public bodies and expert organisations everyone with a stake in a healthy river.

nature restoration fund logos
image of stream on river eden fife

We need community support to carry out our plans.

If you are a landowner, land manager or farmer and you would like to know more about our plans, we want to hear from you about how we can work together for mutual benefit. Your expertise and knowledge are vital to our project. Please contact us.

How to get involved

Help us locate and eradicate invasive species such as Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam and Skunk Cabbage. These take over the riverbanks and damage the native flora. This year we have funding for the full herbicide training for ten people, if you would like to help us, please get in contact. All equipment and training is free. We will also hold INNS identification workshops over the summer.
Help us identify what types of invertebrates are in the river: these are important indicators of water quality. Get trained by Buglife and join the team of volunteers involved in the Riverfly project on the river.
Monitor water quality on the Eden and Motray. Using the same methods as the Angling Trust Water Quality Monitoring Network, we will train you to sample water quality at key sites on the river.
Working with landowners, RESP will identify areas on the banks of the River Eden and its tributaries where it would be beneficial to plant native trees.
There are lots of ways of getting involved. Maybe you have web design or management skills? Maybe you walk part of the River Eden regularly and could help us monitor the riverss health? Or maybe you just want to find out more.

Become a River Eden Volunteer

There are lots of ways to get involved with the RESP project. Volunteer with one of the project groups, come to the steering group or just keep in touch. The project needs a team of local volunteers, up and down the catchment, looking after our river.

There are lots of ways to get involved with the RESP project. Volunteer with one of the project groups, come to the steering group or just keep in touch. The project needs a team of local volunteers, up and down the catchment, looking after our river.